Treatment guide

Tummy Tuck: Patient Guide and Surgery Overview, Before and After Photos [Risks and Recovery]

Plan your trip properly. Check the latest COVID-19 travel rules before your medical journey and follow Bookimed safety recommendations.

Аrticle author
Anna Leonova

Medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood

Updated: 30.09.2021
Minutes to read: 28 minutes

Fast Facts

Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle can help improve your figure, but they cannot work wonders. Sometimes only a plastic surgeon can correct some imperfections of appearance. A sagging belly that has lost its elasticity is one of such issues. In this case, abdominal plastic surgery or tummy tuck is the best possible option to get rid of excess skin and tighten the muscles in the abdominal area. Keep reading and learn everything about tummy tuck surgery, best methods, top plastic surgeons, and clinics. 

What Is Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck surgery, aka abdominoplasty, is an operation to remove excess skin and subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area and tighten the stomach muscles. The surgery is rather severe and complex for the patient, so a rehabilitation period is required. 

The abdomen can lose its shape for various reasons. Most often, a tummy tuck is considered as the most appropriate option for: 

  • women after pregnancy and childbirth
  • people who have dramatically lost weight
  • aged patients whose muscles and skin loses elasticity, and there is no way to correct the situation with a diet
  • individuals who are not satisfied with the appearance of their abdomen, and core exercises do not help them improve their shape in any way.

Short Details


  • Men and women suffering from saggy abdominal skin or fat accumulation that is not improved with exercise and diet.
  • Women who want to strengthen the weakened abdominal muscles and stretch extra skin after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Older people who need to correct the sagging skin of the abdomen that has arisen over time.
  • People who have a lot of sagging skin after drastic weight loss or bariatric surgery.


  • The tummy tuck procedure takes 2-3 hours.
  • The patient needs to stay in the hospital for 4-5 days after the operation.


  • The full recovery takes 6-8 months.
  • The patient may return home in 4-5 days after abdominoplasty.
  • In 2 weeks the patient can return to work but keep the diet, refuse fatty, spicy, and fried foods intake, exclude alcohol and heavy physical activity.
  • In 1-2 months the person returns to their common lifestyle.
  • In a few months the scar becomes invisible; there are no restrictions on physical activity. 


  • Postoperative abdominal wound infection
  • Seroma
  • Hematoma
  • Acute abdominal pain
  • Scarring
  • Anemia
  • High abdominal pressure
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Congestive pneumonia
  • Blood clotting.


96% of the tummy tuck procedures do not cause any complications. 91% of patients are satisfied with the results of abdominoplasty and say the procedure is worth it.

Top 3 Reasons Why People Resort to Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is the fourth most popular plastic surgery worldwide. Over 900,000 abdominoplasties are performed worldwide annually, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). What motivates thousands of people to tighten their stomachs with plastic surgery?

  • Changing the shape of the abdomen at once

People who like to get results immediately will definitely appreciate the benefits of abdominoplasty. During the tummy tuck operation, plastic surgeons get rid of small fat deposits in the abdominal area, remove excess skin, tighten the abdominal muscles and tone them. Thus, they solve several cosmetic defects in one procedure. There are no analogs to this procedure yet.

However, the tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure. If the patient wants to dispose of extra fat and change the stomach form in one surgery, plastic surgeons perform abdominoplasty in tandem with liposuction.

  • A long-term effect

After a tummy tuck, you will notice that your core muscles have become stable, and this effect will remain so for many years. Basically, there are only two reasons that can spoil the result — pregnancy and weight gain.

  • A tummy tuck is not only a cosmetic procedure but also a treatment one

In addition to the unsurpassed cosmetic effect, abdominoplasty helps relieve back pain, align posture and treat urinary incontinence. According to a study published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal, 80% of women felt relief from back pain, and more than 90% of patients got rid of urinary incontinence within half a year after the surgery. The women who participated in the study got different types of the tummy tuck, but the type of the procedure did not affect the final result.

Interesting to Know!

Abdominoplasty accounts for about 8% of all plastic surgeries. Media personalities who want to improve the shape of their saggy belly resort to this procedure. Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Demi Moore, Kelly Osbourne, and Donatella Versace are among the celebrities who have gotten tummy tuck.

Hollywood male actors are also keen on losing weight with liposuction and abdominoplasty to achieve attractive reliefs. In contrast with the actresses, gentlemen do not advertise their tummy tuck experience, but there are still exceptions — actors Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson and Al Pacino, singer Tom Jones.

Who is a Perfect Candidate for the Surgery?

You keep diets and do exercises that give you good results, and you lose weight. But the sagging and bulging belly still remains. In this case, you should think about abdominoplasty.

There are some issues when a tummy tuck is the best option to solve them:

  • excess skin, loss muscles, and a small accumulation of extra fat in the abdominal area as a result of aging, heredity, pregnancy, previous surgery, or weight fluctuations
  • your weight is stable. The best candidate for abdominoplasty is a slender person with excess fat and loose skin in the lower abdomen. Your weight can be within 20% of the ideal body mass index. If you are overweight, this procedure is not for you.
  • you don’t smoke. If you are a smoker, you should quit or eliminate smoking at least six weeks before the operation
  • you don’t plan to have children anymore. Muscles that are repaired during an abdominoplasty may split again during a future pregnancy.
  • you do not have any internal or external scars from previous abdominal surgeries. If you have any wounds, you should consult with a plastic surgeon whether you are a good candidate for surgery
  • the good candidate for this procedure has good general health, a positive attitude, and realistic expectations. 

What Is the Average Age for This Procedure?

No matter whether you are 30 or 60, you can get abdominoplasty. Usually, patients looking for a tummy tuck as the best treatment option are in their late 30s or 40s. However, patients may be younger, but only if they don’t plan on getting pregnant again at least several years after the operation.

What Are the Contraindications?

A tummy tuck, like any surgical intervention, has contraindications:

  • diseases in the acute stage. In this case, you should first deal with the current issue and only then proceed to improve the stomach shape
  • diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease
  • heart diseases
  • blood clotting disorders
  • pulmonary or heart failure.

Doctors do not advise women who intend to have children to undergo abdominoplasty — pregnancy often nullifies the entire result.

Before deciding on an abdominoplasty, you should give up all bad habits and keep a healthy lifestyle a few months before the planned surgical intervention.


  • Tummy tuck can make your belly flat.
  • Your appearance in clothes and swimwear will be more attractive.
  • Your body will look younger.

  • The scar in the bikini area will remain after abdominoplasty.
  • Another pregnancy may affect surgical outcomes. Therefore it is recommended to postpone this operation or mommy makeover until you are finished having children.
  • Weight gain after abdominoplasty may have an unfavorable impact on the outcome of your operation.

Tummy Tuck Process Step-By-Step

A tummy tuck is not considered a complex surgical intervention. The procedure takes 2-3 hours. General anesthesia is applied. 

The surgeon will mark the areas on the abdomen where the incisions are then made.
Medical personnel gives you antibiotics to prevent infection.
The patient is injected with general anesthesia and falls asleep.

The plastic surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen in the bikini area.


The doctor tightens the muscles and then sutures the muscle divergence.

The surgeon removes extra fat with the help of liposuction.


The abdominal skin is then pulled along the incision line, and the excess one is removed.
In some cases, the navel is brought back to its natural position.

During a complete abdominoplasty, the surgeon often inserts one or more drains to prevent fluid congestion that can put pressure on the incision.

After the surgery, the patient should spend a night in the hospital and return home the next day. Follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon to avoid possible complications after the surgery.

There is no need to remove the stitches. Top plastic surgeons use modern cosmetic threads that dissolve independently or a particular medical glue for the skin. It speeds up the scar healing.

The final result is estimated in 1 month.


Before the surgical intervention, the patient should understand the nuances of the upcoming operation and the period of rehabilitation. The plastic surgeon talks in detail about preparing for abdominoplasty and critical recommendations to follow during the consultation. Before the surgery, it is necessary:

Pass lab tests — only after the examination results, the surgeon chooses the most appropriate tummy tuck method.


Consultation with an anesthesiologist — tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia. It is crucial to identify how much anesthetic you need to inject, taking your physical features and test results into account.


Bad habits quitting — 2 weeks before the operation, it is recommended to keep a healthy lifestyle: to give up smoking (or significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked) and exclude alcohol use. Bad habits prolong the rehabilitation period. For example, nicotine slows down the process of tissue repair.


Keep the diet — a healthy, balanced diet is the key to well-being. Eat more vegetables, herbs, and fruits 2-3 weeks before your tummy tuck procedure. Refuse fatty, sweet, and spicy foods and foods that lead to the gas formation (peas, beans).



Warn the doctor about meds intake — the patient should tell the doctor about taking all medications, even vitamins. Correction of treatment is carried out in conjunction with the attending physician.

Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery

There are different types of belly reconstructive surgery. Each of them is appropriate only for improving certain cosmetic stomach defects. Let us analyze different tummy tuck techniques and when they are suitable.

Complete or Full Tummy Tuck

The method is also known as lipoabdominoplasty — when tummy tuck is combined with the abdominal liposuction. Complete abdominoplasty is used to tighten the muscles, remove excess skin and fat deposits not only from the abdomen, but also from the back and thighs. The technique also eliminates scars and stretch marks. This type of the surgery has a lifelong effect on patients who maintain their weight afterwards.

Endoscopic Abdominoplasty

The approach is indicated for those who do not need a skin tightening. Usually these are young women with minor problems associated with weakening of the muscles. The operation is performed using an endoscope — the instrument is inserted in the navel area, and several punctures are additionally performed in the bikini area.

Mini Tummy tuck

It is carried out in cases when the patients need aesthetic correction with the removal of a small amount of skin and adipose tissue. Usually plastic surgeons apply this technique when women have functional problems after childbirth (hernia, diastasis), minor aesthetic defects and excess skin, and do not have a significant excess of adipose tissue (obesity). The incision is made in the bikini area and is barely visible.

Limited Tummy Tuck

The method is also known as a mid abdominoplasty, modified tummy tuck, or apronectomy — the resection of a wedge of fat and skin from the lower abdomen. It is used when a full abdominoplasty is not required. Limited abdominoplasty differs from mini tummy tuck with a slightly longer incision and is an intermediate type between complete tummy tuck and mini abdominoplasty.

Reverse Abdominoplasty

It is used to correct the shape of the lower and upper abdomen. The method is usually recommended for people after significant weight loss. To remove extra skin and fat from the upper torso, a surgeon makes an incision at the bra line. Reverse abdominoplasty is frequently performed in combination with breast lift and boob job procedures.

Extended Tummy Tuck

The technique is also called vertical or fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty. Surgeons apply this approach if the patient has an abdominal scar from the previous operations or if the doctor needs to remove a large amount of tissue from the upper and lower stomach. This type of abdominoplasty also helps to correct divergence of the abdominal muscles.

High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty

A lateral tension tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess abdominal skin from the stomach and upper thighs. The best option for patients who want to improve the waist and outline its shape. The incisions are made along the lateral surfaces of the abdomen. In most cases surgeons perform lateral tummy tuck in the combination with lipo.

Belt Lipectomy

If you have extra loose skin on your belly, flanks, buttocks, or hips, you may be a candidate for this procedure. Belt lipectomy is a popular treatment for individuals who have lost a substantial amount of weight or have severe skin laxity. This surgery is comparable to a complete tummy tuck, but it requires a larger incision that wraps around the entire lower trunk.



Tummy Tuck


Liposuction is a surgical procedure aimed at body shaping. This procedure helps to get rid of fat deposits on any part of the body (buttocks, abdomen, thighs) and belongs to the category of cosmetic procedures. 

Lipo is performed under local anesthesia.

Liposuction helps:

  • make the waist more prominent and curve
  • get rid of fat on the arms, stomach, legs, back, hips
  • correct the buttocks
  • correct the contour of the abdomen
  • eliminate cellulite in the waist and thighs

Tummy tuck is a surgical operation aimed at restoring the contour of the abdomen after childbirth, obesity, anorexia or surgery. During the procedure the surgeon removes excess fat and tightens muscle tissue in the lower abdomen. 

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Abdominoplasty helps:

  • correct the shape of the navel
  • eliminate wrinkles on the stomach
  • get rid of excess fat in the lower abdomen
  • remove sagging skin
  • reduce excess skin and stretch marks
  • tighten the belly and make its form perfect. 

What To Choose?

Liposuction is a simpler procedure compared to tummy tuck. The rehabilitation period after lipo is much shorter than after abdominoplasty. However, liposuction does not help the patient to get rid of extra skin and tighten the muscles. It is suitable for those who just want to dispose of excess fat and emphasize their natural figure.

Abdominoplasty helps to reconstruct the abdomen and make it the desired shape. Often these two procedures are combined and carried out at the same time. In any case, before choosing a procedure, you should consult with a specialist who will decide what procedure will be the safest and most effective in your particular case.


Rehabilitation after abdominoplasty lasts 3-4 weeks — it is the most difficult period of rehab and is characterized by pain, swelling, and limited mobility. Then the state of health improves, menstruation and sensitivity are restored. The full recovery takes 6-8 months.
1-2 hours
The patient is put on a bandage that helps to distribute the load on the muscles, improve microcirculation and reduce swelling, and the risk of suture divergence.
1-2 days
A bandage and compression stockings are used to fix the tissues immediately after the intervention. After that, some time is required to be under the supervision of doctors.
3-4 days
Drainage is removed. The patient needs to take analgesics to stop pain.
4-5 days

You need to spend this time in the hospital to prevent complications. If no complications are identified, the patient may be allowed to leave the hospital and return home.


6-14 days
The first few days at home, you should adhere to bed rest for several days. The stitches are removed about 2 weeks after the operation. The patient takes remedies to accelerate healing and eliminate hematomas. It is allowed to take a shower.
2 weeks

You can make attempts to straighten up. It is important to follow the recommendations and keep the diet. You should give up spicy, fatty and fried foods, completely excluding alcohol and smoking.


2 months

Most of the unpleasant symptoms disappear. The doctors can recommend physiotherapy and exercise therapy to help patients return to their normal life as soon as possible.


6 months
There are no restrictions on physical activity, all side reactions disappear, the scar becomes invisible.
1 year
The scar becomes invisible. You follow your common lifestyle.

5 Tips To Follow After Tummy Tuck

The sooner the person gets the procedure, the easier and faster the recovery process will be. The operation can help to achieve excellent results. However, the final outcome also depends on how correctly and carefully the patient will follow the recommendations during the postoperative recovery. There are some tips on what to do to get the best results after your surgery:
Correct diet (before and after surgery) — the operation will remove a lot of extra pounds and sagging skin, but you need to keep a well-balanced diet in advance to recover more easily. You should start adhering to the diet at least a few months before the operation to make no stress on the body. It is important not to let yourself relax, and continue to adhere to the diet after a tummy tuck.
Avoid infections — risks can occur after the operation. To minimize them, you need to strictly follow all the instructions of the plastic surgeon before and after the procedure. For example, sometimes patients take a bath with chlorhexidine solution to reduce the number of bacteria and the risk of infection.
Take enough vacation days — many patients can return to work within a week after the surgery, while some of them only after three weeks or more. Tummy tuck surgery involves a significant surgical intervention in the body, so surgeons advise to take as much vacation time at work as possible. The recovery time depends on the state of the body of each person.
Improve body mobility — the first few days after the operation will be quite difficult in terms of movement. A person will need help to get to the bathroom, bed, kitchen, etc. However, you should not spend time in bed, and take short, but frequent, careful walks around the house. In such a way the blood in your legs does not stagnate, and does not form blood clots.
Limit alcohol intake — after abdominoplasty, patients feel pain. That’s why patients are prescribed pain relievers and other drugs to take in strict accordance with medical prescriptions. Many of these drugs have negative interactions with alcohol, in particular pain relievers, so it is worth seriously limiting any alcohol intake during recovery.

Recommendations About How To Overgo With Life Limitation After Tummy Tuck From Bookimed Patients

It’s important to know! Each tip is based on the patient’s subjective experience. So before implementing any recommendations, you should seek medical advice.

Each patient’s experience is unique. However, no one can tell you more about the surgery, its consequences, and recovery than someone who has actually gotten it. We have compiled the tummy tuck tips from Bookimed patients and call your attention to them:

Risks and Complications

When deciding on a tummy tuck, you should understand that this is not just a corrective plastic procedure, but a full-fledged surgical intervention. As any other surgery, abdominoplasty can also lead to some complications. Among them are:
seroma (edema and local accumulation of lymphatic fluid under the skin in the area where the intervention was performed)
hematoma formation
slow wound healing
numbness (tummy tuck may affect small nerves in the abdomen)
You can avoid these risks by contacting a qualified specialist who, taking into account all individual characteristics and wishes, will choose the optimal type of abdominal plastic surgery.

How Long Do Tummy Tuck Results Last?

Your results after the abdominal plastic surgery may last a lifetime, however, you should maintain an active lifestyle and keep a balanced and nutritious diet. It is also true that the outcome after the procedure may have a short-term effect if you follow a sedentary lifestyle and have poor eating habits that cause health and weight problems.

So, how long does the abdominoplasty outcome last? As long as you are willing to work at keeping your results.

Tummy Tuck Cost

The tummy tuck costs in the table given below are approximate. The prices may vary depending on the clinic, plastic surgeon’s experience, and country. That’s why you should specify the exact abdominoplasty cost in a certain clinic before scheduling the procedure.
  Turkey Mexico Ukraine

Tummy tuck

from $1,800from $3,100from $2,700

Tummy tuck with liposuction

from $2,900from $4,200from $2,700

Where can I get a cheap tummy tuck — top 7 places

Of course, there are places where you can get a tummy tuck on a budget and very high quality. Do you want to know where? Find out more here

Abdominoplasty Packages

Abdominoplasty Mexico, Mexicali

Tummy tuck is one of the most popular procedures in the world and there is a great demand for the procedure, so plastic surgery clinics compete with each other for patients and try to attract them in different ways. One of these methods is the package prices. 

The package usually includes all the necessary services:

  • the operation itself
  • anesthesia
  • medical tests
  • bandage
  • transfer
  • pre and post operative online consultation.

The biggest advantage of the packages is that the cost for all services included is the same as for the operation only. Thus, you pay for a tummy tuck, and get a number of other medical services for which you do not need to pay additionally.

Packages are limited in time and this is their biggest disadvantage. Check with the medical coordinator for the availability of special packages for the dates when you plan your surgery.

Before and After Photos

Each plastic surgeon’s calling card is a photo of a patient before and after surgery. Images of the outcomes are crucial, even if the plastic surgeon has vast experience and credentials, multiple certifications. Before and after photos are the visual evidence of the surgeon’s work and help patients find the most appropriate specialist for themselves. 

Find out more tummy tuck before/after photos to pick the most suitable medical facility and plastic surgeon.

Procedure: Tummy tuck
Hospital: Estetik International Clinic

Procedure: Tummy tuck
Hospital: Estetik International Clinic

Procedure: Tummy tuck
Hospital: Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center

Procedure: Tummy tuck
Hospital: Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center

Is a Tummy Tuck Worth It?

If keeping the diets, proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and physical activity 

does not help you, and you really want to get rid of:

  • excess skin folds after heavy weight loss
  • cosmetic defects in the belly area after pregnancy and childbirth
  • sagging skin in the abdomen
  • the presence of a skin and fat apron

You really should have an abdominoplasty. Indeed, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the result will last for a lifetime and you will get a toned belly in just one procedure.

If you are still in doubt, be sure to check the reviews of patients who have already had abdominal plastic surgery. In the reviews, they describe their experience, feelings, results and express their opinion on the effectiveness of the procedure.

Should I Have a Tummy Tuck Abroad or At Home?

Medical tourism is getting increasingly popular. Cosmetic surgery is one of the most common reasons that foreign patients come abroad. There are several reasons why medical travels are so common:

  • foreign surgeons’ skills and experience
  • service quality
  • low costs.

Affordable prices is the primary reason why international patients choose other countries to have abdominal plastic surgery. In some countries such as Turkey, Mexico, or Ukraine, tummy tuck is cheaper in comparison to the United States, the United Kingdom, and Western European nations. Meanwhile the quality of medical services is on the same level.

Despite the popularity of medical trips for tummy tuck, patients frequently have a few common questions.

FAQs about Tummy Tuck Abroad

Plastic surgeries are usually performed in private clinics. Each clinic values its reputation, so the selection of medical personnel is very serious. Doctors who practice in top clinics undergo numerical training in the USA, England or Europe, participate in international conferences, and have memberships in global associations. In addition, they operate hundreds of foreign patients every year. This means that plastic surgeons speak English fluently and this skill is a must have for them.
The International Patient Relations Department is responsible for the reception and coordination of transborder patients in the clinic. The representative of the Department will do everything possible to make your stay in a foreign city comfortable and safe, and will help you not to get lost. The coordinator organizes transfers from / to the airport and clinic, books a hotel near the clinic, organizes a city tour, helps you keep in touch with your doctor. Thus, you do not have to do anything on your own, you will have a person at your side who will solve any of your requests.

The term of stay overseas after tummy tuck mainly depends on the type of the procedure and general health status of the patient. On average, the patient can fly in 2 weeks after abdominoplasty. If we talk about other transport options such as cars or trains, the period of stay in foreign country may be shorter. Nevertheless, the plastic surgeon can tell you the exact number of days you need to stay in the country during the consultation.

How Patients Get Tummy Tuck During COVID

The demand for plastic surgery in the era of coronavirus and quarantine in some countries has grown. If before COVID many people postponed a visit to a plastic surgeon because of lack of time, now they decide on an operation because of the opportunity to stay at home during the postoperative period, often without even interrupting work. 

Plastic surgery trips also grow in popularity. If earlier most patients had plastic surgery in the USA, Thailand or Spain, now these countries have given way to new players — Turkey, Mexico, and Ukraine, where prices for aesthetic operations are much lower, there are practically no quarantine restrictions, and the quality of medical services increases every year.

What are the leaders in plastic surgery in 2021 and what countries have no quarantine restrictions? Learn more in Top 4 open countries for medical tourism in 2021

Regulations and Patient Safety

The coronavirus pandemic remains unstable. We observe the rise and fall of the disease. Depending on this and the number of vaccinated people, countries change the list of restrictions on entry and stay. At the time of this article’s release, the rules may have changed. Therefore, if you are planning to have plastic surgery abroad, investigate the situation with COVID in the particular country. You can get the relevant information on the official website of WHO or ask the Bookimed medical coordinator. To contact the coordinator for free, submit a request on our website.

Best Tummy Tuck Surgeons

Choosing a plastic surgeon is the main step to have effective abdominoplasty. The skills of the surgeon are the main factor that affect the quality of the procedure and its final result. Therefore, you should devote maximum time and attention to choosing a plastic surgeon. What should you look at when choosing a doctor?

The Bookimed team has already helped thousands of patients find a suitable plastic surgeon and emphasizes such selection parameters as:

  • patient ratings and reviews
  • the equipment used
  • education and qualifications
  • experience (amount of the operations per month)
  • portfolio (before/after photos).

According to these parameters, the Bookimed team has determined the top 6 plastic surgeons for tummy tuck among 63 presented on the website. 

Best Tummy Tuck Surgeons

Jose Cortes
Jose Cortes
Plastic surgeon
Read More
Dr Jose Cortes is located in Mexico City and is a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery. He offers extensive experience and expertise to help you reach your aesthetic goals and bring out your natural beauty.
Gokay Bilgin
Gokay Bilgin
Plastic surgeon
Read More
Dr. Dinko Bagatin deals mostly with aesthetic and reconstructive surgery and his goal is to give his patients the best possible appearance and a better life with the help of surgery. Dr. Bagatin earned his degree in medicine at the Medical Faculty in Zagreb. He completed his internship at the Public Health Centre “Trešnjevka” Zagreb, and specialization in general and plastic surgery at the Department of Surgery, University Hospital Center "Rebro".
Hasan Sahin
Hasan Sahin
Plastic surgeon
Read More
Dr. Sahin is a board-certified surgeon by the Turkish Society of Plastic Surgeons, who has been in practice since 2006. The surgeon has experience in surgical enhancement of the face, nose, breast, and body. Dr. Sahin acclaimed worldwide for his surgical excellence and innovation. Having performed thousands of face, nose, breast, and body procedures, Dr. Sahin is frequently sought out for complex revision cases and his beautiful, natural-looking results. His surgical skills and clinical judgment are valued and thus sought by expansive international patients.
Andrey Kharkov
Andrey Kharkov
Plastic surgeon
Read More
Andrey Kharkov M.D. is a top plastic surgeon in Ukraine. The doctor has performed more than 14,000 successful operations. Andrey Kharkov has graduated with honor from university of A.A. Bohomolca in Kyiv (Ukraine). The doctor has dedicated 25 years to mastering plastic surgery techniques. The physician has improved his qualification in the USA, the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, and Austria.
Bülent Cihantimur
Bülent Cihantimur
Plastic surgeon
Read More
Dr. Bülent Cihantimur is one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. Dr. Cihantimur is an author of 8 innovative plastic surgery methods and founder of Estetik International. Among his patients are Human Ken and Barbie Dolls Rodrigo Alves and Pixee Fox.
Marco Tulio Marroquin
Marco Tulio Marroquin
Plastic surgeon
Read More
Dr. Marroquin Batres is an award-winning plastic surgeon based in Mexico. Performs facial and body plastic surgery procedures. Is certified by the Mexican Board of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Derya Bingol
Derya Bingol
Plastic surgeon
Read More
Dr. Derya Bingöl is an award-winning Turkish plastic surgeon with over 15 years of practice. Has the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Certificate. Performs 150-200 aesthetic operations annually including breast operations, mommy makeover, vaser liposuction, tummy tuck, body shaping, rhinoplasty, face lifting, blepharoplasty.

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

Measure thrice, check twice, cut once — this popular proverb explains the meaning and importance of this step best of all. The correct planning is the key to a successful operation and the main responsibility falls on the specialist. However, the patient’s participation in the discussion and the formation of the vision of future changes are no less important.

There are some nuances that should definitely be discussed with the plastic surgeon during the consultation before abdominal plastic surgery.

Do you need abdominal plastic surgery at all and is it worth doing?
Are there alternatives to surgery?
Which of the tummy tuck methods do you need?
What is the approximate number of pounds you will lose after the operation?
What experience in carrying out tummy tucks has the clinic?
How long has the clinic been operating?
What is the technical equipment in the operating room?
Does the clinic have an intensive care unit?
What is the surgeon’s experience in performing tummy tuck operations?
Does the surgeon have before/after photos of patients with situations similar to yours?
How will your operation proceed?
How long will the operation take?
What kind of anesthesia will be used?
How to properly prepare for the operation?
What preoperative examination is required?
Does the clinic accept tests and examinations done in other medical centers or laboratories?
What should be done on the eve of abdominoplasty?
How long will the rehabilitation period last and when can you return to work?
How long will you need to spend in the hospital?
When can you get out of bed?
Do you need someone’s help after the operation, and who can provide it (relatives, medical personnel, etc.)?
How intense can the pain syndrome after surgery be? What methods of pain relief can be applied, if required?
What rehabilitation and preventive measures will need to be performed after tummy tuck?
What may be required in the postoperative period? Do you need to take something to the hospital (compression underwear, bandages, crutches, etc.)?
What complications can occur after the surgery?

Best Clinics For Tummy Tuck

The first-class clinics for abdominal plastic surgery are located in Turkey, Mexico, and Ukraine. Plastic surgery facilities in these countries are globally recognized for high-quality services and relatively low prices.

Find out more leading destinations for tummy tuck, their advantages & disadvantages here: Best countries to get a tummy tuck abroad.

The Bookimed team has analysed 170+ clinics specialized in tummy tuck and chosen the 6 best of them. The clinics are situated in different countries and have various pricing policies, so the tummy tuck cost there is dissimilar. 

The main criteria when selecting medical centers were the experience and qualifications of plastic surgeons, the quality of service and reviews of Bookimed patients. We would choose any of these centers ourselves or advise our family members and friends, so each of these clinics is highly recommended by the Bookimed experts.

Turkey, Istanbul
Adem and Havva Medical Center
Dr. Arturo Munoz Meza Plastic Surgery
Mexico, Tijuana
Dr. Arturo Munoz Meza Plastic Surgery
Turkey, Istanbul
Estetik International Clinic
Ukrainian Academy of Plastic Surgery
Ukraine, Kyiv
Ukrainian Academy of Plastic Surgery
Hospital de la Familia
Mexico, Mexicali
Hospital de la Familia
Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center
Turkey, Istanbul
Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center

Why Medical Trip Arrangement With Bookimed?

  • Bookimed’s medical coordinators will help you choose a facility and a doctor that specializes in abdominal plastic surgery. The team considers the specifics of your medical case, your needs and preferences. In your instance, you will be given a personalized program with an exact cost, and the medical coordinator will assist you in planning your trip beforehand.
  • Bookimed is a global service that helps people find medical options and organize treatment in over 30 countries. Bookimed medical coordinators have already assisted over 680,000 people in receiving proper medical treatment.
  • The platform’s aim is to give everyone with the required medical solutions and support at all phases, from selecting a clinic and planning a trip to returning home. The Bookimed experts communicate with the patient 24 hours a day, seven days a week to make the medical journey as straightforward and comfortable as possible.
  • Patients can use Bookimed’s services for free. Choosing a solution and planning your journey with Bookimed have no impact on your treatment bill.


The average tummy tuck cost is $5,000. The price mainly depends on the chosen country, local pricing policy, surgeons skills and authority, and the surgical method. Sometimes plastic surgeons perform abdominoplasty in tandem with liposuction not only to tighten the stomach skin and muscles but also to remove extra fat and reduce the patient’s weight. In this case tummy tuck will be more expensive and averagely cost about $7,000.
The best candidate for abdominal plastic surgery should have a good health status, get rid of bad habits, and should be within 15-20 pounds of the ideal body weight. Although many patients lose weight after tummy tuck, losing more than 30 pounds might leave you with more extra skin and drooping muscles around your stomach, negating the effects of the procedure.

Tummy tuck is not a weight loss surgery. Representatives of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommend patients to be close to the ideal weight for 6-12 months before having the intervention. Most surgeons would advise patients to be 10-15 pounds under their ideal weight.

The number of sizes you lose is determined by the condition and weight you started from your treatment. Most women decrease 2-3 pants sizes after tuck tuck, but some patients lose considerably more. For example, if you had a lot of loose skin before the operation, you may drop down 4 additional clothing sizes.
The tummy tuck outcomes may last forever if you follow an active and healthy lifestyle — go in for sports, eat proper nutrition, and keep yourself fit. However, the abdominoplasty result will last a short period if you are inactive, have bad habits, overeat and overweight.
If you decide to get a stomach tightening operation, you should know that the recovery period takes about one to two months. During this time you may suffer pain. In general, discomfort following the procedure is minor to moderate. Pain or sensory problems can sometimes last months or even years after the surgery, however, such cases are very rare.
Only a plastic surgeon will be able to determine which method suits you best during the consultation and after the complete examination. But there is a general trend that can be seen in many cases. Mini tucks are appropriate for those who have a normal body weight and just have a tiny, lower belly pooch. And patients require a full tummy tuck if they have extra fat, sagging skin above their belly button, or if they lost a lot of weight and have a lot of excess skin.
The majority of women who chose this surgery are in their late thirties, early forties, or older. When it comes to your age, however, as long as you are devoted to preserving results, do not intend to become pregnant again, and are in excellent health, any age is OK.

You can get a tummy tuck if you are overweight but not obese. You will notice the best benefits from the surgery, if you are already close to your target weight. But you must remember that abdominoplasty is not a weight loss procedure. Tummy tuck will not be able to remove all excess fat, only to correct the figure. If you have obesity, you should consider methods of weight loss surgery.

The exact amount of skin you will lose after tummy tuck depends on some factors:

  • the amount of stomach skin you have before the procedure
  • the amount of weight you need to reduce
  • the type of abdominoplasty you get. 

With an abdominoplasty, you might expect to lose between 4 and 15 pounds. In most cases, patients lose only a few pounds, usually less than five. Other individuals with more extensive loose skin may lose 5–10 pounds, and in some cases, even more.

During the procedure, the plastic surgeon removes extra fat and excess abdominal skin. Therefore, yes, it is possible that the procedure will make your waist smaller. After the surgery, most patients report decreasing clothing sizes or inches from their waistline.
Tummy tuck incisions cars can be quite visible for up to a year after the operation. Scars on lighter skin tend to be pink at first, then fade to a thin, white line. Darker skin types may heal dark and pigmented at first, then gradually lighten.


  1. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2020). ISAPS Global Statistics. 
  2. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2019). ISAPS International Survey on Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures. 
  3. Bookimed (2020). Best Tummy Tuck Clinics. 
  4. Mayo Clinic (2019). Tummy tuck. 
  5. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (2018). Five things to consider before getting a tummy tuck.
  6. Healthline (2017). Tummy Tuck Recovery: Timeline, Tips, and More.
  7. Realself. How safe is to fly after a Tummy Tuck and how long should I wait after my surgery?
  8. Science Daily (2018). More than just a cosmetic procedure — ‘tummy tuck’ reduces back pain and incontinence.
  9. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. ‘Tummy Tuck’ Complications—Study Looks at Rates and Risk Factors.
  10. Realself. Tummy Tuck Revision: What You Need to Know.
  11. World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard.